Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Insulin Pump; The Little Black Box

In the unfortunate event a plane goes down and you want to know why things went wrong, you simply look for the little black box.  I've never seen one but I know somehow, whatevers inside, it will tell the black box people exactly what they need to know.

Unfortunately for my kids, whenever they crash, I too can find out just how things went wrong because they've got a little black box on board themselves.  Only their black boxes are actually pink and blue and we call them pumps.

At the scene of any diabetic catastrophe, we just examine their pump and find out what cause the crash...or the soaring, whichever the case may be.

Unfortunately, what is usually tells us, is that we weren't paying enough attention to our controls-carb counting, timely testing, or pump updating.  The result is almost always pilot error, which in most cases, would be me...again.  Mother-of-diabetic-who-got-distracted.  Heavy sigh.